Sunday, September 16, 2007

The two-leggeds and their new pet... we think it's a beaver

For the past couple sun-times, the two leggeds have been staying at the farm place longer. When we are all there, though, they yell at us. Don't they know that Anakin wasn't going to bite the goat things or the sheep things. He was only making sure they stayed where they were supposed to. He is a shepherd dog!!

And if that weren't stupid enough, the two-leggeds then started hanging their colored, flappy, furless skin things on pieces of string between trees. Trees are good to... you know... but hanging stuff on them?

And then they used a noisy growly thing (and they didn't yell at the noisy growly thing even though it was much noisier and growlier than we are and they yell at us when we are noisy and growly and we're just trying to warn them). This other thing was maybe just saying it was hungry because it sure ate up a part of the tree. It ate so much that the tree just fell right over. Maybe it's a beaver.

They dragged the trees over to a pile. I think they're going to feed the beaver thing more later.

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